Back in the early 1990’s, I developed an ingrown toenail. It was extremely painful and became horribly infected. As most people do, I sought the services of a podiatrist. As can be expected, he recommended drugs and surgery. Isn’t that what doctors are trained to do?
At the time, I did not have a full […]
Back in the early 1990’s, I developed an ingrown toenail. It was extremely painful and became horribly infected. As most people do, I sought the services of a podiatrist. As can be expected, he recommended drugs and surgery. Isn’t that what doctors are trained to do?
At the time, I did not have a full understanding of the human body and how it works. I didn’t realize that every time we get a symptom, our body is speaking to us and trying to tell us what is wrong. So I succumbed to the doctor’s advise. He surgically removed part of my toenail (big mistake) and put me on antibiotics (another mistake.)
Over two decades later, I recently developed another ingrown toenail. Why is this significant? If you’ve read my book WARNINGS of Disease: Your Body Uses Symptoms to Communicate, you’ll see that in 1996 I changed my diet and lifestyle habits and was completely healed of over 35 diseases; 100 symptoms disappeared; I lost 60 pounds; and I quit taking 23 prescribed drugs. I’ve been healthy since then and continue to lead a healthy lifestyle.
I’ve learned over the years that every symptom the body sends forth is a definite form of communication. It’s up to each of us to listen to our bodies and to remove the offending source of our discontent. With regards to this recently developed symptom of an ingrown toenail, I went into sleuth mode and quickly ascertained a couple of things.
I used to wear nail polish (toxic chemicals) all the time. My nails were never without polish. When I experienced the first ingrown toenail, without reasoning I quit polishing my toenails. My son was recently married and I decided that I should have painted toenails for the occasion to go along with my new silver sandals. (Turns out that this was bad decision.) I bought some nail polish and polish remover from a health food store that were supposedly non-toxic. I thought all would be well.
Two weeks ago, I decided to use the polish once again. As it turns out, that was another mistake.
I did some research on the nail polish ingredients and found that they are toxic in nature. I could kick myself for not doing this first! After pondering the ingrown toenail and the toxic ingredients for awhile, I put two and two together: the ingrown toenail was the result of wearing toxic nail polish. I am now officially done with ever wearing nail polish again…
Last night, the pain in and around my toenail became increasingly worse. Since I’m not used to pain anymore, I actually felt nauseous from it. The side of my toe was also red and swollen. These are three of the “Five Cardinal Signs of Inflammation” that the body uses to communicate. If the offending cause of a symptom is not removed, sickness and disease take hold. You can read more about the 5 Cardinal Signs in my book.
I knew that I needed to find a natural remedy ― fast! So I went to the Internet to do some research. I found a remedy that was all-natural, one that sounded like it had potential. I changed it up a bit and here’s what I did:
1) Soaked toes in approximately 1 quart of warm water mixed with 2 tablespoons of sea salt for about 30 minutes.
2) Taped a liberal slice of organic onion to the toenail of the big toe. Put a sock over the foot and then went to bed. I could actually feel the pain subside after the onion had been on my toenail for about 10 minutes.
3) This morning I removed the sock and onion, and was able to easily clean out the toenail bed and clip the offending nail.
4) Taped a fresh basil leaf over the toenail.
I’m happy to report that the ingrown toenail, and all pain associated with it, are now GONE!
The basil is still taped to my toenail and I will remove it tonight. I’ll also soak the toe again tonight in salt water, for good measure.
I love playing detective and finding the root cause of a problem, and I LOVE A NATURAL REMEDY! I’d also love it if you’d read my new book. My mission in life is to help people realize that toxic chemicals, those that we consume through processed foods, drugs, and other products, are causing us to be sick, diseased, and overweight.
WARNING: The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. These remedies are archival in nature and should be used for academic purposes only. Home remedy and self treatment is a personal choice. Consult with a competent physician.
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GoodReads Book Giveaway
Goodreads Book Giveaway
WARNINGS of Disease
by Dawn Roberts
Giveaway ends May 31, 2014.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.