Currently viewing the tag: "diarrhea"

Here is a subject that people do not like to talk about, think about, read about, nor  personally experience, much less to write about…  However, according to the U.S. Department of  Health and Human Services, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), studies show that nearly 20% of the adult population suffer with some sort of  functional gastrointestinal disorder.

There are many labels given to gastrointestinal disorders—colitis, mucous colitis, ulcerative colitis, spastic colon, nervous colon, spastic bowel, irritable bowel syndrome, and Crohn’s Disease, to name a few.  The most common symptoms include:

  • abdominal pain or discomfort
  • changes in bowel habits, i.e. diarrhea and/or constipation
  • cramping

Along with the many names associated with diarrhea, comes an equally long list of possible causes—bacterial overgrowth; body chemicals that go awry; brain-to-gut signal problems; food sensitivities; gastrointestinal motor problems; genetics (this is oftentimes used as a scapegoat answer); hypersensitivity; and mental health problems.  Don’t you just love it when your problem is placed into that infamous “all-in-your-head” type of category?  If you’d like to learn why those in medical occupations label so many diseases as mental ones, read my book WARNINGS of Disease: Your Body Uses Symptoms to Communicate.

The bottom line is, researchers have yet to find the root cause of the problem.  Why? Perhaps they don’t want to find the exact cause…  Here’s something to think about—there’s little money to  be made after finding causes of disease.  There is more money to be made doing research, in the practice of medicine, in the development and sales of pharmaceutical drugs, and performing surgery.

That being said…  When a person is suffering they want, and oftentimes demand, immediate relief for their symptoms.  Many are unwilling to devote the time it takes to isolate and eliminate the exact reason  as to why their body is signaling with distress.  Keep in mind that distress signals are a body’s way of saying that there is something terribly wrong with its intake.

So, back to the subject at hand—chronic diarrhea.  Someone in my family had been experiencing chronic diarrhea for several years.  They tried prescription and over-the-counter remedies, and doctors had performed numerous medical tests to find out what was wrong.  However, like many medical procedures that are performed in this day and age, the tests came back “inconclusive.”  I suggested taking dried egg shell powder, 1/2 teaspoon, two times a day, based on information that I had read.  They reluctantly agreed to try it, but it worked!  Their chronic diarrhea stopped within 3 days of taking egg shells, and they are quite pleased with the outcome.

If you’re suffering with chronic diarrhea, here’s an all-natural remedy that you might want to try if you’re not allergic to eggs:

  • Only use shells from fresh, organic eggs
  • Rinse egg shells well
  • Dry egg shells in oven at 350° for 8 minutes; or use convection oven set at 325° for 8 minutes; allow egg shells to cool
  • Grind egg shells into a fine powder using a coffee grinder
  • Take 1/2 teaspoon of dried egg shell powder twice a day mixed with water, organic coffee, organic tea, or fresh juice; or sprinkle egg shell powder over food.

If you try this remedy and it works, please let me know.  It would be good for other sufferers to hear of your successful outcome, too.


Disclaimer:  I am not a doctor or medical practitioner, and do not purport to be.  Contents are based on opinions of the author and are not intended to cure, diagnose, or treat any disease.  Freedom of speech and freedom of press are protected under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution giving the American citizen the freedom of opinion and expression.  The author shall not be held liable or responsible to any manufacturer, producer, industry, government agency, association, or individual regarding any possible loss or damages, which may be said to have occurred as a result of the words and opinions written in this blog.  It is our God-given right to seek natural remedies for personal maladies… 

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