Currently viewing the tag: "diet"

New Year’s resolutions have come and gone. The time to get ripped and look good in that new swimsuit for summer has faded away. Now, people are just hoping to lose some weight before the holidays rapidly approach and they pack on the pounds all over again. Holiday eating is the standard excuse for weight gain. Obesity rates have now surpassed the 65% mark. It’s being reported that obesity may rise to a staggering 85% in less than ten years time.

Churches are filled with prayer requests for the sick and dying. Heart disease is the Number One Killer in America. One in every three families is touched by the ravages of cancer. Some studies report that the average patient now takes eleven medications. Drug use is out of control, so is disease and obesity.

But does anyone ever stop to ask – WHY?

After suffering with over 100 symptoms and 35 diagnosed diseases, and a proffered diagnosis of either multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, or Lou Gehrig’s disease, that’s exactly what I did. I asked – WHY? Why was I sick and dying? Why was I overweight? However, doctors were unable to answer my questions. This got me to thinking – did anyone really know the answers?

So I set out to find the answers for myself. And did I ever find them! By changing my diet and lifestyle habits, I was cured of all disease and lost over sixty pounds without even trying. I have been perfectly healthy for the past fifteen years and take no drugs.

In 2009, I took a hiatus from my work as a Forensic Document Examiner and Handwriting Expert to complete the manuscript and bring this book to print. The book includes my personal story of healing along with fifteen years of scientific research. What I found was that you don’t have to be filled with disease and you definitely don’t have to be fat. Each person can choose to be healthy or not.

My personal mission for writing WARNINGS of Disease is to help people realize that artificial food additives and toxic chemicals, including those found in drugs and everyday products, are responsible for causing sickness and disease, with obesity being the end-product of consumption.

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