Currently viewing the tag: "gallbladder disease"

In the mid-90’s, I was deathly ill from toxic chemical buildup caused by eating junk food, taking doctor-prescribed medications, and using toxic household and personal hygiene products.  My gallbladder suffered greatly.

I recently came across a GALL BLADDER FLUSH which was provided to me by my Chiropractor/Homeopath, who helped save my life through a total body detox and regular chiropractic adjustments.

I am sharing the information here today, in hopes that it may help someone suffering with gallstones.


(A top American nutritionist suggested this flush for eliminating gallstones, simply and easily without surgery.) [Source unknown]

*Drink one quart of organic apple juice daily for five consecutive days.  This will soften the stones to such an extent that you could squash them with your fingers.

*On the sixth day, skip dinner and at 6:00PM, take one tablespoon of Epsom Salts mixed with water.

 Repeat at 8:00PM.

At 10:00PM, make a cocktail of four ounces of olive oil and four ounces of freshly-squeezed lemon juice.  Shake vigorously and drink right down.

*In the morning, you will pass green stones varying from the size of grains of sand to some as large as your thumbnail.  You won’t feel a thing, but you will be amazed at the results.  Thousands have done this instead of major surgery.

Here is information regarding the efficacy of Epsom Salts:

On another note, I took Premarin as hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for over 10 years after undergoing a complete hysterectomy when I was 39 years old.  Later I learned that 60-80% of all women who take Premarin end up suffering with gallbladder disease and having gallbladder surgery (cholecystectomy.)

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