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According to a study published by the journal Nature, there are over 200 types of fungi that live on the human foot. With so many different kinds of fungi, the chances of coming down with a toenail fungus would seem pretty high.

There are also reports of toenail fungus occurring after a toenail injury. Though I’m not quite sure what the correlation is, I dropped a can of organic tomatoes on my big toe several years ago. The can landed right on the base of the nail bed, and my toenail turned all shades of black, blue and purple. Even though I have eaten healthy and lived a healthy lifestyle for the past 17 years, lo and behold I developed an annoying toenail fungus shortly after.

As a naturalist, I’ve tried multiple homeopathic remedies to treat the fungus: vinegar, olive oil, tea tree oil, hydrogen peroxide, Epsom salts, Oil of Oreganol, and Natralia anti-fungal liquid, to name a few. Varying treatments lasted for months on end, some a year at a time, but ultimately the fungus prevailed.

I began studying fungi and found that toenail fungus cannot live in an acidic environment. I thought about what types of acidic, natural products I could test to alleviate the fungus, and decided to try lemon juice. Twice a day, morning and night, I have placed a drop or two of lemon juice on my big toenail affected by fungus, allowing the lemon juice to seep in, under, and around the nail. By george, it’s working! I haven’t seen improvements like this with any of the other remedies that I’ve tried.

If you’re suffering with toenail fungus, you might want to try using lemon juice as a treatment.

And if you’re suffering with other diseases, symptoms, or weight gain, check out my new book WARNINGS of Disease, to see how I treated, and cured myself, of over 35 diseases.

UPDATE:  Curing toenail fungus can be a difficult task. To be honest, I got lazy using the lemon juice treatment mentioned above and the fungus returned.  The bottom line is that you need to find the root cause of a symptom, eliminate it, and then your body can begin to heal. By eliminating the root cause of a problem, your body will no longer need to signal with symptoms. After doing much research, I found that nail fungus is really another description of a Candida yeast overgrowth. Yeast feeds off of sugar and carbohydrates. When I eliminated carbs and sugar from my diet, that’s when the nail fungus, aka yeast overgrowth, finally began to disappear. I holistically treated my body on the inside, and supplemented that on the outside with Oil of Oregenol and Tea Tree Oil drops. I alternately treated with Oil of Oregenol and Tea Tree Oil drops under the affected nail 4 times a day, making sure to press gently on the nail about 20 times each time I applied drops, to make sure that the oil was dispersed completely under the nail bed. Both Oil of Oregenol and Tea Tree Oil have anti-fungal properties. Voila! Problem finally solved.

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