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I read an interview that was done with a doctor who has written a book about the asthma epidemic.  Here’s the link to the story:

It is reported that roughly 34 million Americans suffer with the affliction.  Asthma rates have jumped drastically since the 1980s, but researchers are still scratching their collective heads as to WHY.

Asthma is defined as a a respiratory condition of the lungs.  It is marked by spasms in the bronchi, which causes difficulty in breathing.  Notice that when a person is diagnosed with asthma, the diagnosis is nothing more than a definition of a problem.  That’s all a diagnosis is—a definition.  A diagnosis has nothing to do with a cure.  But also notice that the definition of asthma, the diagnosis, does not prove pathogenesis—the true starting point of disease.

During the interview, the doctor said that while there are many theories for the condition, no one really knows what causes asthma.  His recommendation, as an allergy and asthma expert, for combatting asthma attacks is to have a plan in place to control the symptoms.  His plan includes taking drugs and avoiding triggers.  He also noted that we [I’m assuming he meant—doctors] have the “best medication and the best understanding” of the disease.

What’s wrong with this picture?  Approximately 34 MILLION Americans suffer with symptoms of asthma.  About 4000 people die each year from asthma-related symptoms.  Having the so-called “best medication and best understanding of the disease” has done absolutely NOTHING to CURE asthma—nothing!  In fact, incidents of asthma are rising—drastically.

But there is a further definition of asthma that should be noted—it usually results from an allergic reaction or other form of hypersensitivity.  This is science’s attempt to state pathogenesis, without actually doing so.

The doctor in the interview noted that people suffering with asthma should avoid triggers.  He discussed perfumes and colognes, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) as being triggers for asthma attacks.  Note that these “triggers” are chemical compounds.  But also note that drugs, including those used to cover-up asthma symptoms, are also chemical compounds.

In my new book, WARNINGS of Disease: Your Body Uses Symptoms to Communicate, I describe how asthma medications that contain sulfates (albuterol sulfate, salbutamol sulfate, and terbutaline sulfate), which most do, can actually cause breathing difficulties and swelling in the throat.  In other words, the drugs that are used to treat asthma can be the precipitator for it!

The human body reacts to poisonous compounded chemicals by initiating the inflammatory response, otherwise known as an allergic reaction.  If the body is continually exposed to toxic chemicals, it can become hypersensitive to them.

However, there are other toxic chemicals that can also be responsible for causing asthma that are seldom contemplated by researchers—toxic food additives found in processed foods and drinks.

Back in the early 1990s, my son was diagnosed with asthma.  When I changed our diets and lifestyle habits to include nothing but whole foods void of synthetic chemical food additives, his asthma completely went away.  If you’d like to read more about his story and my experience with conquering devastating disease, please read my new book WARNINGS of Disease.



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