Currently viewing the tag: "non-triple-negative breast cancer"

An article published by the Chicago Tribune on June 4, 2012, reveals how the FDA is at it again.  They are altering the rules for drug testing, specifically those that target breast cancer.  Here’s the link to the article:

The new rules, set to be released this week, will allow drug companies to use women as human guinea pigs—not all women, just those with aggressive breast cancers considered “triple-negative breast cancers.”

But here’s the caveat.  Doctors want to introduce drugs into women with “very early stage breast cancer” before surgery is performed.  If this succeeds, then pharmaceutical companies could win big—faster approval times.  In other words, drug companies would gain a new avenue for getting their drugs to the market at an advanced rate—all in the name of science.  While drug companies become the apparent victor, women suffering with breast cancer turn into human guinea pigs!

Up until now, drug treatments deemed to be “promising” were only allowed on the market after they were proven to be safe and effective—a process which normally takes up to ten years to complete.  But with these new regulations, the floodgates will be OPENED.  Again, who is the victor?

I believe the writer of the article hit the nail on the head by saying that “The FDA is taking a risk with the new strategy.”  Women suffering with breast cancer in much earlier stages will now be subjected to new medications that pose a potential (and I’ll add, probable) safety risk to the overall health of the patient.  The woman becomes the guinea pig—a person used as the subject for an experiment.

Time and time again we’ve seen that drugs, which have advanced through the FDA’s normal approval process, end up causing great mayhem afterwards.  FDA-approved drugs have resulted in countless deaths and disabilities.  Those drugs that end up causing chaos are pulled from the market, the drug company’s hand is slapped, doctors go on to prescribe different drugs, and the FDA continues doing what it does best—approving toxic chemicals for human consumption.  The poor patient is left to live the rest of their lives in pain and misery, while the family of a deceased, must deal with the aftermath.

However, the jury is still out on so-called triple-negative breast cancers.  There are conflicting results in studies regarding them.  Prognostication is hypothetical.¹  Good grief, science doesn’t even have a handle on non-triple-negative breast cancer yet!  Less than one in every eight women will suffer with some type of breast cancer.  Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women today, next to skin cancer.  And it is the second leading cause of cancer-related death in women, second only to lung cancer.²

But heaven-forbid, pharmaceutical companies have jumped on the bandwagon of yet another new disease with unresolved pathogenesis.  And the FDA is going to allow this to happen.  Forget about what’s CAUSING breast cancer!  Let’s just create and sell more drugs.  There’s money in that, you know.

Back to the caveat.  If the FDA is allowed to proceed with their “new” guidelines for authorizing toxic compounded chemicals to be introduced for human testing on early-stage breast cancer, this will open the floodgates for thousands of similar claims.  Drug companies will be given carte blanche to do as they see fit.  Forget about what’s CAUSING cancer!

In my new book, WARNINGS of Disease: Your Body Uses Symptoms to Communicate, you’ll discover that cancer has an absolute cause.  If you take away the cause of cancer, then the body will no longer have the need to be cancerous.

For fifteen years I have laid claim that the toxic chemicals found in detergents, deodorants, and synthetic materials may be responsible for causing breast cancer along with the toxins found in processed foods.  Science knows that toxic chemical compounds create cancer.  But for some reason they turn around and create more toxicants to treat that which they created in the first place, without ever taking the responsibility for the original toxin that they created.  It’s a never ending cycle.

The skin is the largest living organ of the human body.  It absorbs whatever it comes into contact with.  If women wash their bras in toxic detergents and use toxic fabric softeners and dryer sheets, then wear the bra day and night, the breast skin is subjected to a continual onslaught of toxicants that are absorbed directly into the body.  If deodorant filled with toxic compounded chemicals is also used, it too, is absorbed into the skin and has a direct pathway into the lymph nodes under the arms.

Recent studies at the University of Reading in the UK, have shown that parbens were present in 99% of the cancerous breast tissue that was examined.³  While this does not historically prove that parabens are responsible for causing breast cancer, it does indicate a possibility.

Add to all that, living on a diet of synthetic  processed foods filled with excitotoxins (monosodium glutamate, aspartame, caffeine), and you’ve got a real recipe for disaster.  With the case of cancer, all it takes is for just one cell to go awry.  We need to keep our bodies clean and pure.

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