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WARNINGS of Disease — Table of Contents
Introduction xv
Chapter 1—The Canary Effect 1
Success by Choice 2
The Canary Effect 4
The Trip 4
The Canary in a Banana Plantation 5
Toxic Bananas 6
I Am a Canary 7
Are You a Canary? 7
To Fight or Flee 8
Symptoms 9
Your Temple 9
Trash Mountain 10
The Cumulative Effect 11
The Plague 12
Chapter 2—The Great Illness 15
The Twitch 16
Painting Was the Mainspring 16
The Great Illness Commenced 17
Conjecture 17
Smoke Signals 18
Symptom Checklist 19
I Was Sickly, But Now I’m Not 24
Drugs, Drugs and More Drugs 26
The Headshrinker 27
Visiting the Shrink 28
Chapter 3—The Enlightenment 31
How to Diagnose Numbness and Tingling 31
Last Is First 32
First Is Last 32
The Practice 32
Cause Unknown 33
Failed the Neurological Test 34
The Cotton Ball’s Fault 34
Hands-on Prayer 34
We’re Going to the Library! 35
My Visit to the Homeopath 35
Lots of Supplements 36
Detoxification Method 36
The Remedy of Choice 37
Standard Process 38
Not All Supplements Are the Same 39
Gelatin 39
Beware of Gelatin 40
Chapter 4—Feelings of Toxicity 41
The Allergic Reaction 42
How the Body Reacts to Toxic Substances 44
Checks and Balances 45
Excitotoxicity & Neurotoxicity 45
Neurological Disorder 46
Aspartame 47
Aspartame Is in Many Products 47
How Aspartame Excites 48
What Man Does to Real Sugar 48
PKU 49
Chapter 5—We Are All Basically the Same 51
A Healthy Diet 52
Be a Good Loser 54
Living a Healthy Lifestyle 55
Chapter 6—The Illusive Shut-Eye 57
Insomnia 58
Aspartame Revisited 58
Serotonin Is More Important than You May Think 59
Serotonin Syndrome 59
How Man Deals with Serotonin Dysfunction 60
Attention Disorders 60
Adults Diagnosed with ADHD 61
Psycho-Stimulant Drugs 62
Chewing Gum 63
Chapter 7—The Mysterious and Often Hidden Flavor Enhancer 65
Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) 65
Makers of MSG 66
How to Hide MSG 67
Chinese Restaurant Syndrome 68
Chinese Restaurant Syndrome Is Real 68
How to Skew a Clinical Trial 69
Who Is Lurking Behind the Research? 70
An Example of “Who” 71
MSG in Processed Food 72
Pregnant Women, Infants and Children Should Avoid MSG 74
Affective Spectrum Disorder 74
Child with Seizures Healed by Eliminating MSG 76
MSG and Aspartame Cause Brain Damage After Five Hours 76
Links for Additional Information 77
Chapter 8—Depressed Sensations 79
Depression Defined 80
A Sad Commercial 80
Science Says Our Kids Are Depressed 81
Stress in Days Gone By 82
The Result of an Overactive Immune System 83
A Brief History of Antidepressants 84
Rational Drug Design 84
Chapter 9—The Healing 89
How to Eliminate Symptoms 89
The Canary Almost Died 90
Starting Over 91
America’s Need for Healing 91
The Elimination Begins 92
Monkeys on MSG 93
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in Brief 94
Food Additives to Avoid 95
The Offenders 95
Eat Healthy—Be Healthy Food Additives to Avoid Guide 95
Additives Are Addicting 97
The Case of the Chocolate Binge 98
Ownership of Disease 99
Recovery 101
Mind-Boggling Experience 101
The Canary Lives! 102
Chapter 10—Defining Moments 103
Food Poisoning 103
The Body Reacts to Food Additives 104
Disease or Dis-ease 104
A Closer Look at Disease 105
Acquired Dysfunction 105
Medical School Curriculum 106
Hippocratic Oath 107
Chapter 11—Defining Moments II 109
Inflammation, The Key Factor 109
Five Cardinal Signs of Inflammation 110
The Three Ss of Inflamation 111
Antibiotics 112
The Body Reacts to Toxic Substances 112
Natural Bactericides 113
The Importance of Gastric Acid 113
The Pavlov Response 114
Antacid Consumption Is Out of Control 114
Antacids Are Not Without Consequences 115
The Body’s Natural Defense System 115
Antacids Revisited 117
The Histamine Behind the Antihistamine 117
Histamines Regulate Physiological Function 117
Inflammation Revisited 118
Tissue Destruction 119
Autoimmune Disease 120
The Pathogen 121
Chapter 12—The -Itis and the -Osis 123
NSAIDs 124
Why Take an Anti-Inflammatory? 124
NSAID Side Effects Abound 125
Meningitis 125
Steroid Drugs 126
The Case of the Mysterious Headaches 127
Getting to the Bottom of It All 128
The “Let Down Headache” 129
Those Darn Vending Machines 129
The Rebound Headache 130
How’s Your -Isis?
The –Osis 133
Human Sacrifice 135
The Proverbial Cause Unknown Revisited 135
Chapter 13—Cells Examined 139
The Monk Versus the Cell 139
The Monk 139
The Cell 140
The Power Generator 140
Volume Control 140
Every Cell Has a Purpose 141
Death by Necrosis 141
Infarction 142
We Are Our Cells Keepers 142
Garbage In – Garbage Out (GIGO) 143
Chapter 14—Time for Change 145
Repetitive Motion 145
Tennis Elbow 145
The Case of Injurious Repetition 146
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) 147
Change of Food Habits 148
Reading Labels 148
Sample Food Comparisons 148
Sulfites, Also Known as Sulfates 153
Asthma and Sulfites 154
Chapter 15—Food Stuff 155
Food Preservatives 155
A Toxic Preservative Example 156
The Case of the Toxic Chicken 157
Chemicals 158
The Case of the Alleged Milk Allergy 158
Additives 159
Caffeine 161
MSG Listed as GRAS! 162
Synthetics 163
Chapter 16—What’s On a Label? 165
Bread 165
Flour 167
Wheat Gluten Allergy 167
One-Bread’s History 168
Water and Other Beverages 169
The Long Name with the Long Effect 169
Benzene 171
Sodium Benzoate 171
Anemia 172
Sports Drinks 173
Brominated Vegetable Oil 173
Hypothesis 175
Chapter 17—Body Stuff 177
Oral Hygiene 177
Toothpaste 177
Mouthwash 179
Personal Hygiene and Cleaning Products 180
Dizziness and Vertigo 181
Make A List 182
Common Toxins 182
Contraindications Are WARNINGS 189
What Personal Hygiene Products Do I Use? 189
Big Business Buy-Outs 192
What Household Products Do I Use? 193
Chapter 18—Family Matters 197
Preparing for the New Addition 198
Baby Comes Home 198
Why Is Baby Crying? 198
Baby Gets Sick 199
Baby Is Prescribed Drugs 199
Baby’s First Foods 200
Neuropsychiatry in Children 201
Hyperactivity Revisited 202
The Blood-Brain Barrier 204
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Revisited 204
Glutamate Modulator Drugs 205
Neuropsychiatric Disorder 207
Medically Unexplained Physical Symptoms (MUPS) 208
The MRI Versus the X-Ray 209
Risky Business 210
Chapter 19—What You Don’t See Can Hurt You 213
Multiple Chemical Sensitivities 213
Formaldehyde 215
Formaldehyde Is a Constituent of Drugs and Vaccines 217
Formaldehyde as a Preservative 217
Symptoms of Formaldehyde Exposure 218
Public Formaldehyde Exposure 219
Who Cares About Formaldehyde? 220
The Case of the Toxic Camper 220
The Case of the Toxic Office Furniture 221
The Case of the Toxic Car 222
Chapter 20 – What You Can See Can Hurt You 227
Matthew’s Story 227
The Blue Sugar-Free Blunder 228
Asthma Caused by Junk Food 228
FD&C Act of 1938 229
Food Adulteration 230
FDA Approved Food Colors 231
The Blue Dye Illustration 231
Food Color Specifics 233
The Case of the Toxic Oranges 237
Chapter 21—What You Fail to See Can Hurt You 241
Nicholas’ Story 241
We’re Off to See the Doctor 242
To Medicate or Not 243
The Difficult Child 243
Chronic Illness 244
Failed the Hearing Test 245
The Ice Cream Anecdote 245
Fast Forward Five Years 246
Drugs Kill 247
Cancer Treatments Kill 248
The Truth About Food 250
Chapter 22—Another Healing 253
Monica’s Story 254
Chapter 23—Back to the Beginning 259
From the Start 260
The Great Temptation 261
The Great Cover-Up 262
The Great Blame 262
The Great Curse 262
The Great Irony 263
Chapter 24—Current Affairs 265
Suffering and Ruin 265
No Desire to Find Just Cause 266
To See the Light 268
Chapter 25—The Great Mystery 271
The Diagnosis 271
The Blame Game 271
Who Is Misleading Whom? 273
Going Clean Is an “All or Nothing” Deal 274
What About Genetics? 275
Chapter 26—Post Healing 279
What Have I Learned? 280
What Would Have Happened Otherwise? 281
What Else Have I Learned? 281
The Case of the Toxic Building 283
The Case of the Toxic Room 284 It’s All About Change 285
It’s Rather Straightforward 286
It’s Your Choice 287
In Conclusion 289
References 292
Index 299







Millions of people are searching for the answer—what is pain?—because untold millions are suffering in pain.  Pain relievers are the number one drug sold in America.  Today’s Google search for “What is pain?” produced 776,000,000 results.

If you read my last blog post on word studies, I defined the word SYMPTOM.  Today, let’s look at the word PAIN.

PAIN is physical suffering or discomfort caused by illness or injury.  Pain comes from the Latin word poena ‘penalty.’   Penalty is another word worthy of consideration and we’ll look at it in just a minute.

Synonyms for PAIN include suffering, affliction, and torment.  Lengthy word studies on the origin of each of these words begins to paint a picture—pain is something that we give birth to, and it is the product of our labors, or fruits of our action.  In other words, we ourselves, are responsible for our own pain.  What?

This is where most people will immediately begin to make excuses for themselves:  “I have a disease that causes my pain.”  “I had an accident or injury 20 years ago and I’m still suffering in pain.”  “I have no control over my headaches.”  “I didn’t ask for fibromyalgia, it just happened to me.”  “My pain is caused by multiple sclerosis.”  And so on.  But notice the main subject in each of those statements “I, my, and me.”

In my new book WARNINGS of Disease, I discuss the word pathogen.  Science defines pathogen as a bacterium, virus, or other microorganism that can cause disease.  However, the Greek roots of the word PATHOGEN are pathos ‘suffering, passion’ and gignomai ‘I give birth to.’  From a medical perspective, a pathogen is thought to be a germ that causes disease to the host, but from the Greek roots of the word we find a rather different explanation.

Pathogen means that not only are we capable of giving birth to passion (love), we are also responsible for giving birth to suffering (our afflictions).  Since both infection and acquired disease begin on the inside of our body and work their way out, it might be concluded that we are responsible for our own suffering.

Now let’s look at the word PENALTY.  Synonyms include punishment, punitive action (disciplinary correction), and retribution—punishment that is considered to be morally right and fully deserved.  A penalty is punishment that is imposed for breaking a law, rule, or contract.

What we see here is that PAIN is the PENALTY for wrongful action—the breaking of rules.  As mentioned, we are responsible for our pain!  But whose rules are we breaking in order to suffer the penalty that results in pain—that is the question?  They [the rules] are the one’s of the universe, the laws of order—the body of divine commandment, otherwise known as God.  When we choose to go against order, what God ordained, we create and cause disorder.  Once I came to understand this very important truth, I was then able to look for, and find, the exact cause of my 35 diagnosed diseases, along with MS, Parkinson’s, or Lou Gehrig’s disease being the suspected culprit for my 36th affliction.

But what is an AFFLICTION?  Affliction is a disorder, disease, or illness that results in pain, suffering, and torment.  Seems like we’ve seen these words before!  When we suffer with PAIN, whether it is from an illness, disease, or disorder—”I give birth to suffering (my afflictions)”  becomes the main subject matter once again.

Once I established that I was responsible for my own PAIN (suffering), the healing process was initiated.  Since I no longer had anything to blame for my pain other than myself, I was no longer able to produce excuses for it (my pain).  And one thing that I have learned during my lifetime—excuses are futile and pointless!

This meant that I had to look deep within to find the real reason for my PAIN.  Again, notice the subject matter—I and my—it was my pain and I was to blame.

According to science, PAIN is caused by illness or injury.  So why do people live in pain for 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50 years?  By all rights, an illness lasts for a period of time and the body is then healed.  If not, death is the probable outcome.  But if an injury never heals, death is most assuredly imminent.

I used to live in PAIN 24/7.  Each pain that I bore was judged by doctors (Man) and was given a name to blame, otherwise known as a diagnosis.  Keep in mind that “to bear” means to give birth to…

But after I did a word study on diagnosis, I learned what a diagnosis truly is.  It is nothing more than the identification of the nature of an illness or problem by characterizing the symptoms.  In other words, a diagnosis is just a definition.  And when a diagnosis is rendered, it is nothing more than a judgment of Man, an opinion.  More importantly, an opinion is not necessarily based on fact.  But I wanted to get to the bottom of my infirmities—I wanted the truth!

When I accepted Man’s judgment every time I experienced pain, I blamed the name that was given to it.  But what did that get me?  I was still in PAIN and I was still suffering.  Doctors diagnosed my afflictions.  Doctors gave me drugs.  Doctors performed surgeries.  But I was still in PAIN!  So that meant that a piece of the puzzle was still missing.

As a Forensic Document Examiner, I love to solve puzzles!   So I got to work.  What pieces did I have to work with?

  • I was in PAIN.
  • I was sick, diseased, and miserable.
  • I was overweight.
  • Through pathos and gignomai, I learned that I was continually giving birth to my afflictions through my actions.
  • I was suffering with some type of illness or injury that by all rights should have healed with time.
  • Something that I was doing wrong was causing PAIN in my life.
Then I discovered it!  I found the missing piece of the puzzle—something I was putting into my body was causing disorder.  After that, I commenced doing 15 years of scientific research to verify what I’d found.  I found what causes PAIN.  I found what was causing my body’s many afflictions, and I found that it is causing great unrest in millions of others, as well.  But through it all what I ultimately found was that the source of my PAIN was me!  To be continued…
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