Currently viewing the tag: "toxins"

Why do doctors just treat symptoms?  Why don’t doctors CURE disease?

These are two questions that I had to ponder during my quest to heal myself of over 35 diagnosed diseases and 100 symptoms after doctors did NOTHING to CURE my disease.  I asked doctors over and over again what was causing my diseases, but no doctor could give me a straight-shooting answer.  All I heard was a definition of my problem, which came in the form of a diagnosis, and then I was told that some body part, age, or genetics was to blame for the action.  But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that blaming some body part for failure was of NO consequence—Why did the body part fail?  THAT is the question!  After all, when body parts fail, they are a direct part of us.  That means that when something goes wrong on the inside of our body and we begin to suffer with disease, we are responsible for our own suffering.  When we choose to go against order, we create disorder.

Pathogenesis is the manner in which a disease originates.  The human body is a ordered system.  Doctors depend on its order to practice medicine.  Without order, surgery would not be effective.  The human body operates in an ordered fashion.  All of the systems within the body, such as the circulatory, endocrine, and immune systems, operate in an orderly process.  Because of this, there must be a sequential operation that causes disease to manifest.  But medical science is all about “treating” the symptom, not curing the disease.

I know some will take offense at this and immediately say that their doctor or some drug cured their disease.  But what about the hundreds of millions who suffer with heart disease, diabetes, cancer, asthma, insomnia, depression, etc.?  No doctor is curing their disease!  What about the millions of people who suffer through debilitating cancer treatments, chemo and radiation, only to find themselves stricken with cancer once again?  And what about all those who died as a direct result of receiving toxic cancer treatments?  How is this considered a cure?  It’s not…

I suffered with over 35 diseases and NONE of them were cured—not one—until I found the TRUE CAUSE, or starting point, of my disease, eliminated it, and then true healing began.  All doctors wanted to do was to treat my symptoms with drugs, which were prescribed to cover-up the truth, or  they wanted to perform surgery when the drugs didn’t work.  After all, that’s what doctors are trained to do.  To see a partial list of the many diseases that I suffered, click here.  Eventually, doctors wanted to pin yet another diagnosis to my chest—multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, and Lou Gehrig’s disease were kicked around.

For disease to originate, something is being done to the body that causes the disorder to begin.  Disorder does not arrive out of nothingness—it can’t.  For disorder to occur, order must have been present at some point in time. You can read more about this in my new book, WARNINGS of Disease: Your Body Uses Symptoms to Communicate.

Did you know that your body communicates with symptoms?  Each and every symptom that you suffer is a message from your body.  Its trying to tell you something!  Every time you do something wrong, in other words when you go against your ordered design, your body immediately goes into action trying to undo what has been done.  It tries to right the wrong.  And when initial symptoms are ignored or covered up with drugs, the next order of business is for the body to fall into a state of disease.  Millions of Americans are suffering with disease because they are ignoring themselves!

Modern medicine goes about blaming body parts for failing, but what it fails to disclose is that when body parts fail—we are responsible.  Some inappropriate thing done to the body results in disorder.

What are some of the disorder-causing actions that result in disease?  TOXINS—toxins cause disease.  When toxins are put into the body, they cause disorder.  Why?  TOXINS are POISON.  They cause injury or death.  Poison kills by rapid action even in small quantities.  But here’s something to know—toxins don’t always cause immediate death to the whole body, the person.  Poison may cause death to the cell.  From a cellular perspective, every organ in our body consists of cells.  That means that the death or injury, which occurs from consuming TOXINS, begins at the cell level and works its way up.

So, how is the body exposed to deadly toxins?  Junk food, drugs, and everyday products are filled with them!  Every time you eat junk food and drink artificially-flavored beverages, they are filled with toxic chemicals.  Every time you take drugs, they are filled with toxic synthetic chemicals.  Every time you use everyday household cleaning products and personal hygiene products, they are filled with poisonous chemicals.  Is it any wonder that so many people are so sick and diseased?

I cured myself, without doctors, of over 35 diagnosed diseases and 100 symptoms.  EVERY symptom and disease went away after I changed my lifestyle and eating habits.  I hope you will read my new book.

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